WoTnectivity: A communication pattern for different Web Of Things connection protocols

The Web of Things proposes an IoT device definition framework, the Thing Description. Conceptually, this definition covers a wide range of devices, protocols, and data types. On the other hand, the proliferation of IoT devices and the traits that they usually exhibit, such as limited number of resources, leads to the emergence of bottlenecks that cause the slowdown of requests and even the shutdown of devices. To solve these problems, we introduce the concept of Digital Dice, a digital representation of an IoT device based on microservices that uses the framework established by the W3C Web of Things. This article describes WoTnectivity, a mechanism that allows the connection of multiple protocols on IoT devices by means of several common communication patterns. Besides, establishing the possibility of connecting with different protocols, WoTnectivity has been developed with future expansion in mind, thus an explanation on how to add more protocols is also studied in this paper.

Federated discovery services and recommender systems for WoT resources

(NOTE: For more information please contact manel.mena@ual.es)

Working with different types of IoT devices is difficult for both users and developers. In fact, users tend to manage different pieces of software for each device due to the multiple underlying technologies used by those. In the case of developers, having to learn different technologies just to establish communication with each device is a waste of time that companies can not afford. Other than the usability problem found when working with different cyber-physical systems or IoT devices is that those devices tend to have computational constrains.

The Web of Things (WoT) proposes a model, the Thing Description (TD), to define different things, no matter the protocols each of those use. Besides this, the Web of Things offers a series of commons patterns used to manage different devices. The concept of Digital Dice proposes an implementation of the Thing Description based on microservices. This concept takes into account different aspects of the IoT device to create the necessary microservices to manage it. Each Dice offers a Thing Description to make it compatible with platforms and systems that make use of that model like for example Mozilla IoT framework or Eclipse IoT.

WoTnectivity is a multiprotocol library that offers a framework to enable the connection with the different protocols found in the WoT. This library is already capable of working with different types of protocols like HTTP, MQTT, WebSocket or KNX. Besides those protocols, users can establish compatibility with others just declaring WoTnectivity as a dependency and implementing the interface provided. The project generated can be shared with the community in an effort to improve the number of protocols managed by the WoTnectivity ecosystem.

(Note: see https://github.com/acgtic211/wotnectivity)

WoTnectivity vs others